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Conservation Commission Agenda 01-31-2011
Conservation Commission Meeting
Town Hall - 25 High Road
Monday, January 31, 2011 at 7:00 pm

Next Meeting Date:  February 15, 2011

Review/Approval of Minutes from December 20, 2010 meeting.

Fred Jackman (Emery Lane/Plummer’s Lane/Low Street.) – A continued NOI for roadway maintenance, drainage, ditches, utility pole installation and wetland mitigation at the junction of Emery/Plummer/Low roadways. Mr. Jackman is still in litigation with regard to this parcel and would like to continue this hearing to the next meeting date.

Michael Kellan (8 39th Street) – A continued NOI to construct a single-family home and to extend driveway on the ROW to provide access to the subject property.  

Leonard Dobson (38 Old Point Road) – A continued NOI to construct a two-story addition over existing deck.  Mr. Dobson is still in litigation with regard to this dwelling and would like to continue this hearing to the next meeting date.

John Feather & Dorothy Brooks (56 Fordham Way) – A continued NOI to replace/repair existing fence and create driveway access to external storage area.

Mass Wind LLC (8 Middle Road) – A continued RDA for the construction of three wind turbines.

Kerry Murphy (82 Northern BLvd.) – A continued  RDA to repair existing foundation in the front right corner.  

M. Catherine Welch (107 Main St) – NOI to replace septic system for existing single-family family dwelling.

Daniel & Dianne Romanos (20 Independence Way) – An NOI to expand on existing deck and convert and existing deck of 10’X16’ to a screened porch.

Francis & Barbara Tobin (14 Southern Blvd) – An RDA to construct  a roof over existing 18’X6’ deck.  

Paul & Denise Maloney (3 32nd Street) – An RDA to install pad for propane generation.

John Wishnok & Judith Chaffee (2 Melody Lane) – An NOI to construct a 6’X12’ addition off living room area.

CMF Associates, LLC (30 Northern Blvd.) – An NOI to construct single-family dwelling within a coastal dune.

Emergency Certificates:

Tim Tracy (28 53rd Street) – Installation of Coir Envelopes

Gary Litchfield (27 Annapolis Way) – to raze existing structure as ordered by Building Commissioner.

Easterly most Properties on Plum Island – Emergency Beach Scraping

Other Business:  

1)  Peter Rosen – review of beach scraping
2)  Newburyport/Parker Street Culvert
3)  The listing of matters are as those reasonably anticipated by the Chair, which may be discussed at the meeting.  Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.